

Healthy Chocolate Protein Pancake Recipe

Hey everyone, here is a simple but very delicious recipe to use to have a healthy pancake without all of the excess sugar.

This is a really healthy alternative to normal pancakes and will provide you with your protein needs and this is a great post workout meal so that you don’t need to worry about feeling guilty about having this.

I have done this myself and it tastes amazing, so give this a try girls and let me know how you got on with making this. It will only take you about 10-15 minutes to make at the most.


2 Whole Eggs

2 Egg Whites

1tbsp of Almond Butter

50g Almond Flour

10g 85% Dark Chocolate

1tbsp Coconut Oil

2 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder

4 tbsp Honey


How to make:

  1. Mix egg, almond flour, whey chocolate protein and the almond butter together in a bowl.
  2. In large non-stick frying pan melt coconut oil. When oil is hot, pour in pancake mix. Cook for 2 mins.
  3. Finish cooking under a heated grill for 2-3 minutes
  4. Grate dark chocolate (85%) over the pancake. Cut into 4 pieces. Serve drizzled with honey.


I am sure you will like this and enjoy!

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