

How Laura Lost a Dress Size in 6 Weeks

I want to share one of my client results with you

I met Laura last August and she just recently had her son and wanted to lose her baby weight

She really took to the exercise well and started to rapidly lose inches around her hips, bum and stomach area

She also wanted to get back into a size 16 trouser size which she previously couldn’t get into which she really pleased about

She achieved this within 6 weeks for starting working with me

I told her to hang those trousers on her door which helped her with her motivation

Just goes to show, if you really want something you can achieve it!

I will be opening up some slots for my new online weight loss program soon so stay tuned for that

I will provide more details for this in the next week or so

There is a link below as well for you to look at my other client results


Enjoy the rest of your day!


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